17.04.2010 - So much for doing this everyday.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Why hello,
So much for doing this everyday. I think I'll just post every few days instead makes life a little easier. So I haven't done a lot the last few days but I have taken a road trip with my brother in which we discussed the ins and outs of the political debate thats going on. Lib Dems FTW. And today I'm off back to Uni. I need to get back because I think I'm becoming to dependent on my parents again and I'm also pretty damn bored. Think when I get to Uni this blog might Jazz up a bit because I won't be sitting on my arse the whole time.
Anyway I best be off still haven't finished packing,

13.04.2010 - Rage against.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Hello there,
So today, I've actually accomplished quite a lot. There's a possiblity me and my mates have found a house to live in next year. And I have started a diet (god knows how long that will last) but I've got a lot of weight to lose. Finally, I am making sure that I am voting in this years elections, for Lib Dem obviously. Do you remember at Christmas there was a lot of Rage Against the X-Factor, and Rage Against the Machine got No. 1? Well this time it's all about getting Lib Dem into office. Join the group!


Nick Clegg for PM! If you want Lib Dems in office join the group!

That is all I have to say ;) See you tomorrow.

12.04.2010 - Nothing

Monday 12 April 2010

I have nothing to say!
See you.

11.04.2010 - Pointless day

Sunday 11 April 2010

So here's the deal. This is pretty much just going to be a rant about everything and anything. But mainly about my day and how Uni is going (if I can keep it up - I may dwindle out as the internet at my Uni is a shocker). Here's some things you may like to know about me. My name is Lacy. I'm 19. I go to Uni at Dartington College of Arts. I study Theatre. It's not your average theatre, it's Contemporary Devised Theatre. If you don't know what that means, you may never understand. Basically that's all you need to know.
Today, I was supposed to finish up my 2000 word essay on 'Time'. Here's the official title:

Time:Discuss the ways in which time and its processes have been used in the composition of site-based/ landscape performances(through, for example, durational work, practices that involve ephemerality or transformation over time). You must provide specific examples.

It is really hard. So, instead I have done nothing. NOTHING. I watched a lot of IT Crowd and made a video I meant to make 6 months ago. Here it is:

It is literally just my uni mates and I have hanging a laugh back in Freshers Week. But the important thing is I didn't need to do it. If I was at Uni right now I would have finished all my work but since it's a holiday and I haven't seen my family in 3 months it's probably best I spend as much time with them as possible.
Another thing I have done today is set up Masterchef for my mates in the summer. Masterchef is like a flaming drug, I'm addicted and now it's gone for a year. But we are gonna create our own masterchef and I'm gonna whip there asses. Hopefully.
Anyway basically my point is my day has been pointless. Let's hope tomorrow is a bit more productive.

See you then,