11.04.2010 - Pointless day

Sunday 11 April 2010

So here's the deal. This is pretty much just going to be a rant about everything and anything. But mainly about my day and how Uni is going (if I can keep it up - I may dwindle out as the internet at my Uni is a shocker). Here's some things you may like to know about me. My name is Lacy. I'm 19. I go to Uni at Dartington College of Arts. I study Theatre. It's not your average theatre, it's Contemporary Devised Theatre. If you don't know what that means, you may never understand. Basically that's all you need to know.
Today, I was supposed to finish up my 2000 word essay on 'Time'. Here's the official title:

Time:Discuss the ways in which time and its processes have been used in the composition of site-based/ landscape performances(through, for example, durational work, practices that involve ephemerality or transformation over time). You must provide specific examples.

It is really hard. So, instead I have done nothing. NOTHING. I watched a lot of IT Crowd and made a video I meant to make 6 months ago. Here it is:

It is literally just my uni mates and I have hanging a laugh back in Freshers Week. But the important thing is I didn't need to do it. If I was at Uni right now I would have finished all my work but since it's a holiday and I haven't seen my family in 3 months it's probably best I spend as much time with them as possible.
Another thing I have done today is set up Masterchef for my mates in the summer. Masterchef is like a flaming drug, I'm addicted and now it's gone for a year. But we are gonna create our own masterchef and I'm gonna whip there asses. Hopefully.
Anyway basically my point is my day has been pointless. Let's hope tomorrow is a bit more productive.

See you then,


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